Cole Contracting | Defining Vermont Excellence
Established by Danny Cole in 1985, Cole Contracting began its first 5 years building Farmers Home Associations (F.H.A.) homes. By adhering to F.H.A.’s strict inspection standards, the young company soon established a reputation for building top quality homes in Vermont on a limited budget.
During the early years, Danny also learned that the key to a successful project is working closely with Vermont’s best designers and architects. Today the well-known New England building and contracting company takes on projects from home additions to restaurant renovations, and even shopping plazas!
Danny, a native Vermonter, enlisted in the U. S. Air Force soon after high school. He trained on combat and test aircraft at Edwards Air Force base in California, then Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines— attached to a fighter wing of 4-E Phantom fighter aircraft—engaged in the final year of the Vietnam conflict. Upon returning from South East Asia, Danny completed his military days at Pope Air Force Base in South Carolina. He then studied psychology and business management at Johnson State College.

It was during his college years that Danny discovered his passion for building. He worked for many different types of commercial and residential companies gaining experience in structural concrete and steel, rebar, drywall and wooden structures. Eventually Danny built his own home in Vermont in 1985, (where he still resides), began—the now very successful—building and contracting company, Cole Contracting!